Experts? WE'RE the experts!
Bracket Breakers have spoken about a lot of things. And have a LOT of opinions. Trust us - we hear about 'em all the time.
But how do we compare to the people who call themselves the REAL experts? Hmmmm.
Pretty close - but the eggheads who put out most of the lists about just about anything often miss the mark about what everyday people really think - just look at this list of best inventions.
They completely left off some of the top choices - that when you look at the last bracket - and really think about it, probably should be on ANY list. Were the people crazy to say anesthesia should be in the final four? We don't think so. But then again, we're fans of pain-free surgery.
The refrigerator rarely even makes the cut on many of these lists but made the final four in the Bracket Breaker tourney - why? Because maybe people realize that it would hard to imagine life today without refrigerated food...and cold beer. In the end, people could live without the internet more than they could live without the refigerator -- which makes sense because most of us did for pretty much all of our lives.
But checkout some pretty great analysis from some smart people, and see if you agree - or disagree.
Because as you know, at Bracket Breaker you have to agree to disagree.